• Tune in to Beatport Live with King Cannibal

    Updated: 2012-02-29 18:55:44
    Beatportal Home Skip to Content Skip to Navigation Tune in to Beatport Live with King Cannibal Main Feed Submit Content News Radio Show Podcast Video Track ID Tip us on news Back to Main Feed Next Item Tune in to Beatport Live with King Cannibal 29 February , 2012 2.00AM Written by : BeatportSean Filed under : Music News King Cannibal s Dylan Richards will be treating us to a live set of utterly uncompromising industrial sounds and razor-edged rhythms from dancehall and drum n bass to deep techno and dubstep from our Berlin office later today . A set that is likely to destroy our Ustream webcast today Wednesday , February 29th Don’t miss this special Beatport Live session starting at 17:00 GMT 12 PM EST 9 AM PST See Ustream.tv beatport for more Beatport Live sessions , including sets from

  • Track Of The Day: Daniel Steinberg - Joy & Happiness

    Updated: 2012-02-29 18:55:44
    : Beatportal Home Skip to Content Skip to Navigation Track Of The Day : Daniel Steinberg Joy Happiness Main Feed Submit Content News Radio Show Podcast Video Track ID Tip us on news Back to Main Feed Next Item Track Of The Day : Daniel Steinberg Joy Happiness 29 February , 2012 6.00AM Written by : mferry Filed under : Music News Continuing their non-stop onslaught of top tier tech-funk tracks , Berlin based Arms Legs drops Daniel Steinberg s latest and greatest Joy Happiness From his solo EP of the same name , Joy Happiness is swingin’ maximized minimal in that unorthodox and bouncy Steinberg style that the klub kinder” go bonkers for . The classic German swing through the track is thanks to the monster kick and exacting to the 32nd off-beat quantization that square out the entire six

  • Redshape: The Land

    Updated: 2012-02-29 18:55:44
    : Beatportal Home Skip to Content Skip to Navigation Redshape : The Land Main Feed Submit Content News Radio Show Podcast Video Track ID Tip us on news Back to Main Feed Next Item Redshape : The Land 24 February , 2012 1.51AM Written by : Ken Taylor Filed under : Videos 3024 redshape Redshape s deliciously dark dancefloor opus The Land just released on Martyn s 3024 imprint is hardly the kind of low-slung tech-house track that most would pair with a Belgian animation from the 60s . Fortunately for us , though , Redshape is rarely one to disappoint , and this lush clip—assembled by filmmakers the29nov who’ve made videos for Deepchord Ben Sims and Harmonic 313 in the past—is no exception . Coincidentally , The Land s video manages to string together a whole lot of actual red shapes as it

  • Tune in to Beatport Live with Bonobo

    Updated: 2012-02-29 18:55:44
    Beatportal Home Skip to Content Skip to Navigation Tune in to Beatport Live with Bonobo Main Feed Submit Content News Radio Show Podcast Video Track ID Tip us on news Back to Main Feed Next Item Tune in to Beatport Live with Bonobo 23 February , 2012 7.02PM Written by : BeatportSean Filed under : Music News bonobo Check us out on our Ustream today as Ustream.tv beatport hosts one of the greatest names in electronic music , UK DJ and producer , Bonobo The festivities begin at 3pm MST 5pm EST 22:00 GMT with a set that will celebrate the newly released remix collection of his 2010 album Black Sands Make sure to lock it in . Also check out our Ustream page , Ustream.tv beatport for archived sessions of Beatport Live , including recent sets from Scuba , DJ Dan , M.A.N.D.Y . and more . 0

  • Amirali - Beautiful World [Official Music Video]

    Updated: 2012-02-29 18:55:44
    Beatportal Home Skip to Content Skip to Navigation Amirali Beautiful World Official Music Video Main Feed Submit Content News Radio Show Podcast Video Track ID Tip us on news Back to Main Feed Amirali Beautiful World Official Music Video 29 February , 2012 7.00AM Written by : mferry Filed under : Videos The Crosstown crew is on top of things in 2012. So far they’ve dropped non-stop 5-star tracks and amassed an artist line up with the taste and tech savvy to demolish dance floors globally . Beautiful World from Canadian Iranian newcomer Amirali features a haunting vocal line and modern low end that fits the 2012 house formula with exacting precision . Read what director Janie Geiser had to say about the track and video after the jump Amirali’s seductive voice evokes a mysterious , shadowy

  • Exclusive Video Interview: Alan Fitzpatrick – Life Through Different Eyes

    Updated: 2012-02-29 18:55:44
    : Beatportal Home Skip to Content Skip to Navigation Exclusive Video Interview : Alan Fitzpatrick Life Through Different Eyes Main Feed Submit Content News Radio Show Podcast Video Track ID Tip us on news Back to Main Feed Next Item Exclusive Video Interview : Alan Fitzpatrick Life Through Different Eyes 27 February , 2012 2.28PM Written by : mferry Filed under : Videos In red-hot anticipation of Alan Fitzpatrick’s next Drumcode release Life Through Different Eyes” available March 5th we’ve been fortunate enough to get our grubby techno-loving hands on an exclusive video interview with the man himself , discussing all things techno . Head past the jump for more . From his early influences , to modern day heroes and studio production techniques , Alan Fitzpatrick strolls through the streets

  • Squarepusher announces new album for May, plus live dates

    Updated: 2012-02-29 18:55:44
    , Beatportal Home Skip to Content Skip to Navigation Squarepusher announces new album for May , plus live dates Main Feed Submit Content News Radio Show Podcast Video Track ID Tip us on news Back to Main Feed Next Item Squarepusher announces new album for May , plus live dates 27 February , 2012 12.00AM Written by : Ken Taylor Filed under : Videos squarepusher warp No , that’s not a Daft Punk concert clip up there . You read that headline correctly : The often-shadowy Squarepusher has just released a brief audio-visual teaser for his new album , Ufabulum due in May on his longtime label home , Warp Records and announced a string of festival performances for the spring and summer . Of the new LP , the producer , known to his mum as Tom Jenkinson , says : I’ve started thinking about pure

  • Rumors of a new Boards of Canada record begin to circulate

    Updated: 2012-02-29 18:55:44
    Beatportal Home Skip to Content Skip to Navigation Rumors of a new Boards of Canada record begin to circulate Main Feed Submit Content News Radio Show Podcast Video Track ID Tip us on news Back to Main Feed Next Item Rumors of a new Boards of Canada record begin to circulate 27 February , 2012 3.00PM Written by : Ken Taylor Filed under : Music News boards of canada warp We here at Beatport aren’t typically ones to feed the rumor mill , but when it comes to legendary artists like Boards of Canada we can’t help but get as excited as the next guy when even a passing mention of a new album hits people’s lips . nbsp The secretive Scottish duo hasn’t released a record since 2006’s Trans Canada Highway but Peter Serafinowicz , the British actor and comedian who was recently added to BBC6’s

  • New video: MIDEM Academy 2012: Making a living with music in a digital world

    Updated: 2012-02-27 16:51:49
    : : : TheFuturesAgency Share This RSS Home About me Blog Clients Speaking topics Presentations The industrial age has finally run out of gas Don Tapscott Main Things to do when the Internet is down February 27, 2012 New video : MIDEM Academy 2012 : Making a living with music in a digital world This is the complete video of my presentation at MIDEM 2012 Midem Academy courtesy of http : www.midem.com and http : blog.midem.com touching on topics such as the future of music in a digital , social and networked society , the need for a public music license , why mobile is first , using social media to promote yourself , branding 2.0, the principles of inter-connected ecosystem of music , and much more . You can download the 20 MB PDF with my slides . here The video is provided under license from

  • Music Marketing 101 from Independent Music Advice

    Updated: 2012-02-16 18:48:29
    We found this great article from Independent Music Advice which we thought we would share with you. For any of you feel like their marketing efforts (both online and offline) are not really giving you good returns this this article should put you back on track. This no nonsense article will guide you through only the [...]

  • Updates scheduled on Thursday

    Updated: 2012-02-07 08:24:43
    Dear friends. On Thursday morning the Record Union website will temporarily go offline for a few hours so that we can update the website. Fear not! We will still be distributing your music to the same large selection of the music services around the world. The changes will primarily revolve around introducing a modified pricing model [...]

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